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The Dolliver Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne
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"Septimius Felton" was the preliminary study. Having abandoned this study,
and apparently forsaken the whole scheme in 1862, Hawthorne was moved to
renew his meditation upon it in the following year; and as the plan of the
romance had now seemingly developed to his satisfaction, he listened to
the publisher's proposal that it should begin its course as a serial story
in the "Atlantic Monthly" for January, 1864--the first instance in which
he had attempted such a mode of publication.

But the change from England to Massachusetts had been marked by, and had
perhaps in part caused, a decline in his health. Illness in his family,
the depressing and harrowing effect of the Civil War upon his
sensibilities, and anxiety with regard to pecuniary affairs, all combined
to make still further inroads upon his vitality; and so early as the
autumn of 1862 Mrs. Hawthorne noted in her private diary that her husband
was looking "miserably ill." At no time since boyhood had he suffered any
serious sickness, and his strong constitution enabled him to rally from
this first attack; but the gradual decline continued. After sending forth
"Our Old Home," he had little strength for any employment more arduous
than reading, or than walking his accustomed path among the pines and
sweetfern on the hill behind The Wayside, known to his family as the Mount
of Vision. The projected work, therefore, advanced but slowly. He wrote to
Mr. Fields:--

"I don't see much probability of my having the first chapter of the
Romance ready so soon as you want it. There are two or three chapters
ready to be written, but I am not yet robust enough to begin, and I feel
as if I should never carry it through."

The presentiment proved to be only too well founded. He had previously
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