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The Motor Girls on Waters Blue - Or the Strange Cruise of the Tartar by Margaret Penrose
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yard dash, as Jack would say. So come in, sit down, get comf'y, wait
until you and your breath--are on speaking terms, and I'll listen.
But first I want to tell you all that happen to me. Why didn't you
come for a spin? It was glorious! Perfectly 'magnificent!"

"Oh, Cora, I wanted so much to come, you know I did. But I was out
when you 'phoned, and mamma is so upset, and the house is in such a
state--really I was glad to run out, and come over here. We are

"My turn first, Bess dear. You should have been with me. In the
first place, I had a puncture, and you'll never in the world guess
who helped me take off the shoe--"

"Your shoe, Cora!"

"No, silly! The tire shoe. But you'd never guess, so I'll tell you.
It was Sid Wilcox!"

"That fellow who made so much trouble--"

"Yes, and who do you think was with him?"

"Oh, Ida Giles, of course. That's easy."

"No, it was Angelina Mott!"

"What, sentimental Angie?"

"The same. I can't imagine how in the world she ever took up with Sid
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