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Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812. - A Drama. and Other Poems. by Sarah Anne Curzon
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results of Laura Secord's brave deed insignificant. Had the Americans
carried Beaver Dams at that juncture, the whole peninsula was before
them--all its supplies, all its means of communication with other parts
of the Province. And Canada--Upper Canada, at least--would have been in
the hands of the invaders until, by a struggle too severe to be
contemplated calmly, they had been driven forth. To save from the sword
is surely as great a deed as to save with the sword; and this Laura
Secord did, at an expense of nerve and muscle fully equal to any that
are recorded of the warrior. To set her on such a pedestal of equality;
to inspire other hearts with loyal bravery such as hers; to write her
name on the roll of Canadian heroes, inspired the poem that bears her
name. But the tribute to her memory would not be complete were it to
omit an appeal to Canadians, especially to the inhabitants of this
Province, who, in their prosperity owe to her so much, to do their part,
and write her name in enduring marble upon the spot where she lies

Nor does it seem asking more than a graceful act from the Government of
the Dominion--a Dominion which, but for her, might never have been--to
do its share in acknowledgment. One of her daughters still lives, and if
she attain to her mother's age has yet nearly a decade before her.

The drama of "Laura Secord" was written in 1876, and the ballad a year
later, but, owing to the inertness of Canadian interest in Canadian
literature at that date, could not be published. It is hoped that a
better time has at length dawned.


TORONTO, 1887.
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