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The Leatherwood God by William Dean Howells
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Leatherwood and as given in the Taneyhill narrative. Otherwise the story
is effectively fiction.


He was now towering over those near him, with his head thrown back, and
his hair tossed like a mane on his shoulders

Nancy stood staring at her, with words beyond saying in her heart--words
that rose in her throat and choked her

"You believe, maybe, that you would be struck dead if you said the things
that I do; but why ain't I struck dead?"

"It's _my_ cloth! I spun it, I wove it, every thread! It's all we've
got for our clothes this winter!"

"_Now_ you can see how it feels to have your own husband slap you"

She had begun to wash his wound, very gently, though she spoke so
roughly, while he murmured with the pain and with the comfort of the pain

They swarmed forward to the altar-place and flung themselves on the
ground, and heaped the pulpit-steps with their bodies

"And he went down ag'in, and when he come up ag'in, his face was all
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