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The Jewel City by Ben Macomber
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across the lagoon, she exclaimed to her companion: "Why, all the beauty
of the world has been sifted, and the finest of it assembled here!"

This simple phrase, the involuntary outburst of a traveled visitor, will
be echoed by thousands who feel the magic of what the master artists and
architects of America have done here in celebration of the Panama Canal.
I put the "artists" first, because this Exposition has set a new
standard. Among all the great international expositions previously held
in the United States, as well as those abroad, it had been the fashion
for managers to order a manufactures building from one architect, a
machinery hall from another, a fine arts gallery from a third. These
worked almost independently. Their structures, separately, were often
beautiful; together, they seldom indicated any kinship or common
purpose. When the buildings were completed, the artists were called in
to soften their disharmonies with such sculptural and horticultural
decoration as might be possible.

The Exposition in San Francisco is the first, though it will not be the
last, to subject its architecture to a definite artistic motive. How
this came about it is the object of the present book to tell,--how the
Exposition was planned as an appropriate expression of America's joy in
the completion of the Canal, and how its structures, commemorating the
peaceful meeting of the nations through that great waterway, have fitly
been made to represent the art of the entire world, yet with such unity
and originality as to give new interest to the ancient forms, and with
such a wealth of appropriate symbolism in color, sculpture and mural
painting as to make its great courts, towers and arches an inspiring
story of Nature's beneficence and Man's progress.

Much of Mr. Macomber's text was written originally for The San Francisco
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