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Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting - Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding together with related methods - and materials used in metal working and the oxygen process - for removal of carbon by Harold P. Manly
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Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting

Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding

Together with Related Methods and Materials Used in Metal Working
The Oxygen Process for Removal of Carbon



In the preparation of this work, the object has been to cover not only the
several processes of welding, but also those other processes which are so
closely allied in method and results as to make them a part of the whole
subject of joining metal to metal with the aid of heat.

The workman who wishes to handle his trade from start to finish finds that
it is necessary to become familiar with certain other operations which
precede or follow the actual joining of the metal parts, the purpose of
these operations being to add or retain certain desirable qualities in the
materials being handled. For this reason the following subjects have been
included: Annealing, tempering, hardening, heat treatment and the
restoration of steel.

In order that the user may understand the underlying principles and the
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