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The National Being - Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity by George William Russell
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THE NATIONAL BEING Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity--A.E. [George
William Russell]

To The Right Hon. Sir Horace Plunkett

A good many years ago you grafted a slip of poetry on your economic
tree. I do not know if you expected a hybrid. This essay may not be
economics in your sense of the word. It certainly is not poetry in my
sense. The Marriage of Heaven and Earth was foretold by the ancient
prophets. I have seen no signs of that union taking place, but I have
been led to speculate how they might be brought within hailing distance
of each other. In my philosophy of life, we are all responsible for the
results of our actions and their effects on others. This book is a
consequence of your grafting operation, and so I dedicate it to you.--


In the year nineteen hundred and fourteen Anno Domini, amid a world
conflict, the birth of the infant State of Ireland was announced. Almost
unnoticed this birth, which in other times had been cried over the earth
with rejoicings or anger. Mars, the red planet of war, was in the
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