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The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved - In 50 Arguments by William A. Williams
page 2 of 183 (01%)

Let it be understood, at the outset, that every proved theory of
science is to be accepted. Only the most intense prejudice and the
maddest folly would lead any one to reject the proved conclusions of
science. Moreover, we should examine any new hypothesis with open
minds, to see if it has in it anything truthful, helpful or
advantageous. It should neither be accepted nor rejected simply
because it is new. But if a theory is evidently or probably untrue, or
pernicious, or at all harmful, it is to be rejected and condemned.

Some facts and objections are herein submitted to the serious seeker
after truth, in the hope that a theory so out of harmony with the
facts, and so destructive to the faith and the cherished hopes of man,
may be completely discarded. As Evolution can not stand the acid test
of mathematics, it will be repudiated by all.

We shall discuss the theory upon its merits, from a scientific
standpoint, and will also demand an explanation of all facts
concerned, as we have a right to do, even where they are associated
with the theological and the spiritual as well as the material. We do
not oppose true science but "science falsely so called." We do not ban
research, but will not allow the wild vagaries of the imagination to
pass as truth.

We shall not declare arbitrarily that evolution is untrue; neither
will we allow scientists to decide what we shall believe. But we shall
appeal to the facts, and evolution must stand or fall by the
evidence. "Evolution is not to be accepted until proved." It is not
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