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Wulf the Saxon - A Story of the Norman Conquest by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
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A Story of the Norman Conquest



Although the immediate results of the Battle of Hastings may have
been of less importance to the world than were those of some other
great battles, the struggle has, in the long run, had a greater
influence upon the destiny of mankind than any other similar event
that has ever taken place. That admixture of Saxon, Danish, and
British races which had come to be known under the general name of
English, was in most respects far behind the rest of Europe. The
island was, as it had always been,--except during the rule of two
or three exceptionally strong kings,--distracted by internal
dissensions. Broad lines of division still separated the North
from the South, and under weak Kings the powerful Earls became
almost independent. The enterprise that had distinguished their
Saxon and Danish ancestors seems to have died out. There was a
general indisposition to change, and except in her ecclesiastical
buildings, England made but little progress in civilization from
the time of Alfred to that of Harold. Its insular position cut it
off from taking part in that rapid advance which, beginning in
Italy, was extending throughout Europe. The arrival, however, of
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