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The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse") by Nathaniel Hawthorne
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By Nathaniel Hawthorne


We who are born into the world's artificial system can never
adequately know how little in our present state and circumstances is
natural, and how much is merely the interpolation of the perverted
mind and heart of man. Art has become a second and stronger nature;
she is a step-mother, whose crafty tenderness has taught us to
despise the bountiful and wholesome ministrations of our true
parent. It is only through the medium of the imagination that we
can lessen those iron fetters, which we call truth and reality, and
make ourselves even partially sensible what prisoners we are. For
instance, let us conceive good Father Miller's interpretation of the
prophecies to have proved true. The Day of Doom has burst upon the
globe and swept away the whole race of men. From cities and fields,
sea-shore and midland mountain region, vast continents, and even the
remotest islands of the ocean, each living thing is gone. No breath
of a created being disturbs this earthly atmosphere. But the abodes
of man, and all that he has accomplished, the footprints of his
wanderings and the results of his toil, the visible symbols of his
intellectual cultivation and moral progress,--in short, everything
physical that can give evidence of his present position,--shall
remain untouched by the hand of destiny. Then, to inherit and
repeople this waste and deserted earth, we will suppose a new Adam
and a new Eve to have been created, in the full development of mind
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