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Samantha among the Brethren — Volume 7 by Marietta Holley
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[Illustration: "HANDED ME A TEN CENT PIECE."]

I wuz mad. And I hain't a-goin' to deny that we had some words. Or at
least I said some words to him, and gin him a middlin' clear idee of
how I felt on the subject.

Why, the colt wuz more mine than his in the first place, and I didn't
want a cent of money for myself, but only wanted it for the good of the
Methodist meetin' house, which he ort to be full as interested in as I

Yes, I gin him a pretty lucid idee of what my feelin's wuz on the
subject--and spozed mebby I had convinced him. I wuz a-standin' with my
back to him, a-ironin' a shirt for him, when I finished up my piece
of mind. And thought more'n as likely as not he'd break down and be
repentent, and hand me out a ten dollar bill.

But no, he spoke out as pert and cheerful as anything and sez he:

"Samantha, I don't think it is necessary for Christians to give such a
awful sight. Jest look at the widder's mit."

I turned right round and looked at him, holdin' my flat-iron in my right
hand, and sez I:

"What do you mean, Josiah Allen? What are you talkin' about?"


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