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Farm Ballads by Will Carleton
page 2 of 76 (02%)
flowers of poesy.

But he believes that The People are, after all, the true critics, and will
soon ascertain whether there are more good than poor things in a book; and
whatever may be their verdict in this case, he has made up his mind to be
W. C.


_Betsey and I Are Out.
How Betsey and I Made Up.
Gone with a Handsomer Man.
Johnny Rich.
Out of the Old House, Nancy.
Over the Hill to the Poor-House.
Over the Hill from the Poor-House.
Uncle Sammy.
Tom was Goin' for a Poet.
Goin' Home To-Day.
Out o' the Fire._

_The New Church Organ.
The Editor's Guests.
The House where We were Wed.
Our Army of the Dead.
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