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Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 4 by Benedictus de Spinoza
page 3 of 87 (03%)
[17:1] The absolute theory, of Sovereignty ideal - No one can
in fact transfer all his rights to the Sovereign power.
Evidence of this.

[17:2] The greatest danger in all States from within,
not without.

[17:3] Original independence of the Jews after the Exodus.

[17:4] Changed first to a pure democratic Theocracy.

[17:5] Then to subjection to Moses.

[17:6] Then to a Theocracy with the power divided
between the high priest and the captains.

[17:7] The tribes confederate states.

[17:8] Restraints on the civil power.

[17:9] Restraints on the people.

[17:A] Causes of decay involved in the constitution
of the Levitical priesthood.

[18:0] CHAPTER XVIII.- From the Commonwealth of the Hebrews and
their History certain Lessons are deduced.

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