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Ballads of a Bohemian by Robert W. (Robert William) Service
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Ballads of a Bohemian
Robert W. Service [British-born Canadian Poet -- 1874-1958.]

Author of "The Spell of the Yukon", "Ballads of a Cheechako",
"Rhymes of a Red Cross Man", etc.

[Note on text: Italicized words or phrases are marked by tildes (~).
Lines longer than 78 characters are broken (according to metre)
and the continuation is indented two spaces. Some obvious errors
may have been corrected.]

[Note on accents: Due to the great number of French words used in this text,
accents are marked as followed: "/", "\", "^", or "," immediately *follows*
the character it accents. "Cafe/", "fe^te", "cha^teau", "garc,on",
and "me^le/e" are given without accents as they have been absorbed
into the English language. "Finiste\re", "Fourrage\re" and "mo^me"
are given without accents due to excessive repetition.]

Ballads of a Bohemian

By Robert W. Service


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