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365 Foreign Dishes by Unknown
page 16 of 116 (13%)
Clean and pick 3 dozen prawns. Heat some dripping in a large saucepan;
add the prawns, 1 chopped onion, salt, pepper and 1 teaspoonful of
curry-powder. Add 1 pint of stock and let simmer half an hour until
tender. Serve on a border of boiled rice; garnish with fried parsley.

16.--Swiss Steak.

Season a round steak with salt, black pepper and paprica; dredge with
flour and let fry in hot lard on both sides until brown. Then add some
sliced onions and moisten well with tomato-sauce. Cover and let simmer
half an hour. Serve hot on a platter with mashed potatoes.

17.--Berlin Herring Salad.

Soak the herring over night; remove the milch and mash fine. Cut off
the head, skin and bone; chop the herring; add chopped apples,
pickles, potatoes, olives and capers. Put in the salad bowl; then add
the yolk of a hard-boiled egg to the mashed milch, mustard, 1
teaspoonful of sugar mixed with 1/4 cup of vinegar and a little
lemon-juice, salt and pepper. Pour the sauce over the salad and
garnish with olives and sliced lemon.

18.--German Lentil Soup.

To 1 gallon of soup stock, add 1 quart of lentils. Let boil until
lentils are soft, with 1 sliced onion. Then add some small sausages.
Let boil five minutes. Season to taste and serve the soup with the
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