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White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor by A. J. Bueltmann
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14. Journey's End


_A Drunkard's Home_

"On the west coast of Africa is the country of Nigeria. The chief city is
Calabar," said Mother Slessor. "It is a dark country because the light of
the Gospel is not shining brightly there. Black people live there. Many of
these are cannibals who eat other people."

"They're bad people, aren't they, Mother?" asked little Susan.

"Yes, they are bad, because no one has told them about Jesus, the Saviour
from sin, or showed them what is right and what is wrong."

"Don't they have any missionaries out there, Mother?" asked blue-eyed Mary.

"Yes, there are a few and they are doing wonderful things for Jesus, but
there are still thousands and thousands of people who have never heard a
missionary. They need many, many more missionaries."

"When I get to be a big man, I'm going to be a missionary," said Robert,
"and preach to the black people of Calabar and Nigeria."

"I want to be a missionary; too," cried Mary, tossing her red hair about.
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