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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 14 of 78 (17%)
| Room No. 11, NEW YORK. |
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"HALF a year, half a year, half a year onward," has PUNCHINELLO advanced
since he wafted his first number to the four quarters of the globe.

His road has not been a very easy one to travel.

Bad characters lurked behind the fences, from which they would sometimes
take a sneak shot at the Showman as he passed. These fellows were
awfully bad shots, though, never so much as hitting the van in which the
show travels. PUNCHINELLO'S return fire always set the scamps
a-scampering, and all they had for their pains was the loss of their
ammunition, and the discovery that the row kicked up by them had
attracted crowds of people to the spot, so that PUNCHINELLO'S show was
capitally advertised by their noise.

PUNCHINELLO'S First Volume, then, is a substantial fact. It is an
entirely new, original, and complete article, which no family should be

Read what the New York _Moon that Shines for All_ says about it:

"Put a head on yourself by reading PUNCHINELLO, Vol. 1. It is by far the
best tonic bitters in the market. It cured the editor of this paper of a
very malignant attack, (made by himself on PUNCHINELLO,) after three
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