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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 25 of 78 (32%)
offered to become your husband."

She gave him a full history of the Ritualistic organist's handsome offer
to her of his H. and H.; adding her own final decision in the matter as
precipitated by the possibility of a General European war; and Mr.
DIBBLE heard the whole with an air of studious attention.

"Although I have certainly no particular reason for befriending Mr.
BUMSTEAD," said he, reflectively, "I shall take measures to keep him
from you. Now come with me to FRENCH'S Hotel. To-morrow I will call
there for you, you know, and then, perhaps, you may be taken to see your
friend, Miss PENDRAGON."

Having obtained for his ward a room in the hotel named, and seen her
safely to its shelter, the good old lawyer visited the bar-room of the
establishment, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any evil-disposed
person could get in through that way for the disturbance of his fair
charge. After which he departed for his home in Gowanus.

(_To be Continued.)

* * * * *

MOTTO FOR ALL GOOD CUBANS.--"The labor we delight in physics (S)pain."

* * * * *


Punctually as announced, the FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE has re-opened. It has
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