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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 31 of 78 (39%)
He seemed as logy as an omnibus.

Faugh! smell the Sweitzer Kaise!
The same in every place, eh?
How these big Germans love an ugly stench!
My! what a taste they've got
For articles that rot;
And can it be, they live so near the French?

I'm in a pretty nest!
And, worse than all the rest,
Is thinking how I got here; there's the rub.
When I have mused awhile
On all my luck, so vile,
I almost wish they'd hit me with a club!

It's very well to say--
"I might have won the day,
If things had only gone this way or that;"
I should have _made_ them go,
And let these Germans know
That _they_ must go, too! or be cut down flat.

They didn't go, it seems;
Except 'twas in my dreams!
And, consequently, I must bid good bye
To titles, power and state,
Which I enjoyed of late,
And curse my dismal fate--poor Louis and I!

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