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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 57 of 78 (73%)
neighboring Indians.

As an enchroachist he was immense.

The noble red-skins alluded to finally concluded that enough was enough,
and appointed a Special Commission to put a permanent end to the
delicate attentions of the "Marked Back."

This _sobriquet_ they conferred upon him partly on account of the fact
that he usually received his wounds while leaving their immediate
vicinity, and partly because of a peculiar characteristic of the kind of
cards he used.

The Commissioners caught ROGERS out hunting, and chased him until he
came to this precipice, down which he slid into the Lake below, and,
unfortunately, escaped unharmed.

The Indians, who were pursuing him by the imprints of his snow-shoes,
soon arrived at the brink. Seeing what had occurred, they concluded to
"let him slide."

Hence the name.

Evidently they thought, from the trail, that he must have gone over.
Though he was by no means a missionary, the Tracks he had left produced
a profound impression on their untutored minds.

They at once concluded that he was drowned, or had got "in with" some
bad spirits.

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