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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 64 of 78 (82%)

To be a man and magistrate
'Twas natural that ANNIE sighed,
Since she one phase of man's estate
Already as a LADD had tried.

* * * * *

A Nut for the Ladies' Club.

Referring to the recent ladies' boat race at Harlem, a reporter says
that "the girls all rowed badly." This is a discouraging comment on the
frantic efforts now making by women to assume man's attributes, (not to
mention his other "butes" and the what-d'ye-call-'ems generally
associated with them,) and it is a very significant fact that the
comment can be tersely clinched by the words So rows Sis.

* * * * *


Among the numerous portraits of the late CHARLES DICKENS now before the
public, none are likely to be more popular than one in chromograph
lately issued by PRANG & Co., of Boston and New York. It represents the
great and genial writer as some few years younger than he was when he
last visited this country. The expression of the face is one of
thought--rather as he might have appeared when meditating over some new
turn to be given to the thread of a narrative, than as he used to look
when reading to an audience. This picture is printed in two or three
simple tints, of which the flesh tint is the most predominant. It is set
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