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Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 27, October 1, 1870 by Various
page 9 of 78 (11%)
| Maternity, giving information which women must have, either |
| in conversation with physicians, or from such a source as |
| this--evidently the preferable mode of learning, for a |
| delicate and sensitive woman. Plain and intelligible, but |
| without offense to the most fastidious taste, the style of |
| this book must commend it to careful perusal. It treats of |
| the needs, dangers, and alleviations of the time of travail; |
| and gives extended detailed instructions for the care and |
| medical treatment of infants and children throughout all the |
| perils of early life. |
| |
| As a Mother's Manual, it will hare a large sale, and as a |
| book of special and reliable information on very important |
| topics, it will be heartily welcomed. |
| |
| Handsomely printed on laid paper: bevelled boards, extra |
| English cloth, 12mo., 450 pages. Price $2.25. |
| |
| _For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent post-paid on |
| receipt of the price by_ |
| |
| J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers, |
| 39 Park Row, New York. |
| |
| |
| |
| Steam, Lithograph, and Letter Press |
| |
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