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Happiness and Marriage by Elizabeth (Jones) Towne
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He is sadly disappointed and perhaps embittered or discouraged.

It all depends upon the picture. If Tudor's picture contains a benignant
lord and master and a sweet little Alice Ben Bolt sort of wife who shall
laugh with delight when he gives her a smile and wouldn't hurt his
feelings for a farm; who does his bidding before he bids and is always
content with what he is pleased, or able, to do for her; if this is the
style of Tudor's mental picture he is certainly doomed to

I have a suspicion that Tudor is a natural born teacher. His mental
pictures may represent himself as a dispenser of moral and mental
blessings. He may see Ada sitting adoringly at his feet, ever eager to
learn. If so there will certainly be disappointment. East Indian girls
may be more docile than American girls; East Indian men may be better
and wiser lords and masters; but "Ada" is a Human Being before she is an
East Indian; and a Human Being instinctively revolts from a life passed
in leading strings. If Tudor continues to remind her that he is her
schoolmaster she will certainly revolt; inwardly if not outwardly.
Whether the revolt comes inwardly or outwardly harmony is doomed.

The first principle of happy marriage is _equality_. The second
principle is _mutual confidence_, which can NEVER exist without the

I do not mean by "equality" what is usually meant. One member of the
married twain may be rich, the other poor in worldly goods; one an
aristocrat, the other plebeian; one educated, the other unschooled; and
yet they may be to each other what they are in _truth_, equals.

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