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Happiness and Marriage by Elizabeth (Jones) Towne
page 47 of 76 (61%)
CAN STOP IT. _A frank acknowledgement of error and a_ RESOLUTION _to
mend your end of the fault no matter what is done with the other end;
then a pleasant expression and_ NO MORE WORDS;--this will stop the
kicking. _And in proportion as you learn to take the_ HINTS _you
attract, you will cease to attract kicks_.

By all of which I am reminded of that old testament statement that '_the
Lord hardened the heart of Pharoah_.' The "Lord" or "Lord God" of the
old testament is what I call the _God in us_, or the Law of Attraction
in us; and the "God" of the Bible is The Whole--the God _over all_ as
well as _in the individual_. It is the _God in us_ which attracts to us
our experiences, _in order to teach us wisdom and knowledge_. Pharoah
was not _wise_ enough to let those people go, so the God in Moses gave
him a hint--which he failed to take. Wherefore he attracted a gentle
kick in the way of a plague. This dashed his ardor a bit and he gave
permission for the Israelites to go; but he was only _scared_ into doing
it; and after the plague was called off he was not wise enough to keep
his word--here was a great lot of valuable slaves which he _could_ keep,
and why shouldn't he?--his word was easy broken and all's fair in
business; so _his heart hardened_ and he held the Israelites. So he
attracted a harder kick; which failed to accomplish its purpose. Kick
after kick came, each a bit harder than the last; each scaring Pharoah
for the moment, but _none convincing him_. He still thought it _right_
to hang onto his slaves if he could, and he had the courage of his
convictions. A man of such splendid courage seems worthy of a better
fate. Pharoah had the courage of a Christ, coupled with the ethics of a
savage, whose only law is his own desire of possession. Because he could
not take the hint and _see his mistake_, he attracted a series of kicks
increasing in power until one finally landed him in the Red Sea. Perhaps
a glimmer of the truth reached him as the waters rolled over. But his
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