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Happiness and Marriage by Elizabeth (Jones) Towne
page 75 of 76 (98%)

What is it that ties you to one man and not to another? Not the words of
a priest or a justice of the peace. It is _your thought_ about the
matter, and _his_ thought about the matter, which ties you. You may not
have thought you were tied until the preacher told you; but not his
words but _your acceptance_ does the real tying.

If you are ever freed from a husband you must _think_ yourself
free--just as you must think yourself free from any other bondage. I
thought myself free several years before I applied for a legal
separation; so that when I did apply it was to me merely a technicality.

Divorce or no divorce you are _tied_ to a man until you think yourself

Be still and find your mental freedom. Then you will know what to do.

* * * * *

A year after I wrote the above letter to a young woman who wanted to
leave her husband and go to her "soul mate," I received from her another
letter in which she thanked me from her heart for my letter, which, she
said, had saved her from a terrible mistake. She had let time try the
new love; who was found sadly wanting. More than that she had come to
love and respect her husband as never before. Many others, both men and
women, have written me to the same effect.

Can you learn from the experiences of others--learn _caution_ at least?
I hope so. Be _sure_ you are right before you resort to separation.

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