Punchinello, Volume 2, No. 30, October 22, 1870 by Various
page 44 of 76 (57%)
page 44 of 76 (57%)
NICK, the first candidate elected by femail suffrage.")
It was then resolved to send committees to the Democratic and Republican conventions, to see if any LOONATICS had been nominated, who were in favor of femail soopremiosity. If any such persons were found, they should be requested to announce it through the columns of the _Woman's Journal_, and let the world know the fools wasent all dead yet. Should the candidates be opposed to our cause, it was recommended that when the Woman's Convention Committee meet, on the 18th of October, that ten talented talkers be appointed to surround the candidates and talk them to death as a warnin to futer candidates. Congratulatory speeches, endorsin' these last resolutions, was made by the wimmen, and I gess they would have kept talkin' ontil doomsday, if the chokin-off committee hadn't been sent around with copies of _Harper's Bazaar_, full of pictures of the new fall fashions. (Between you and I, Mister PUNCHINELLO, the only thing which our wives goes heavier on than their rites, so called, is fashions.) The convention then thanked Hon. Hank Wilson for blowin' their trumpet, and voted to present him with a new hoop skirt and a pound of spruce gum as a token of their appreciation. Charles Sumner was then trotted, out, viz.: _Whereas:_ Charles Sumner has, somehow or other, got one foot kerslop on our platform; |