A Treatise of Daunses - Wherin It Is Shewed, That They Are as It Were Accessories And - Dependants (Or Thynges Annexed) to Whoredome, (1581) by Anonymous
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page 11 of 22 (50%)
which were found or present at certayne auncient, and olde councels.
[Sidenote: Augustine against Petilian cap. 6.] Saint Augustine in his booke agaynst Petilian, speaketh in this manner: The Byshops haue always accustomed to represse and beate downe vayne and wanton daunses: but there are at this day some, which are found in daunses, yea, and they themselues daunse with women, so farre of is it, that they reproue, correct, or amend such a greate vice. [Sidenote: Augustine uppon the 32. psa.] And uppon the thirtie and two psalme, he condemneth also, or lykewyse the daunces which be had or used on the Sondaies or Lordes dayes. [Sidenote: Chrisos. in the 26 homily upon Gen.] Saint John Chrisostome in the fiftie & sixt homily uppon the booke of Genesis, intreatinge or speaking of the mariage of Jacob, doth very much condemne daunsescalling them diuilish. [Sidenote: Chrisos. in the 48. homily upon Gen.] [Sidenote: Chrisos. in 14. chap. of S. Mat.] The like is founde in the fourty and eighte Homily. And upon the fourteenth chapiter of Saint Mathew, speakinge of the daunsynge of Salome, the Daughter of Herodias, hee sayth, that when a wanton daunsynge is hadde, or used, the Deuill, daunseth by and by, or altogeather. [Sidenote: In the 53. cannon.] In the counsell of Laodicea, which was holden in the yeare 368. ther was a cannon made, in these proper tearmes, or wordes. It must be not admitted that the Christians, which either goe or come to mariages, leape or daunse, but that chastlye & soberly they sup or dyne, and as it is seemly and |