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A Treatise of Daunses - Wherin It Is Shewed, That They Are as It Were Accessories And - Dependants (Or Thynges Annexed) to Whoredome, (1581) by Anonymous
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whoredome, so our daunses and the usage of them may not be allowed nor
receiued. But to cut it short, that is to say, to be short, wee can
not gather that any appearaunce or shew of euil, or any signe of
watonnes or dissolutenes, was euer found in the daunses of holy men,
but altogeather contrariwise, they therein behaued themselues with
such honor, fear, and reuerence towardes God, the whole matter it
selfe beyng accompanied, with so great honesty and sobernesse, as
nothinge more. And in which mens deede 3. pointes are to be considered
and marked, which can not be at any hand found in the Prophane and
wicked daunses of our tyme.

First the occasions which thrust them forwarde to do it, was such a
great ioy which they had conceaued of the fauoure which God had shewed
to them, that they coulde not conceale, or kepe hidden, but needes
must manifest it, & let it abroad, by all the meanes and wayes that
they could inuent or deuise. [Sidenote: Psal. 68.] Which thinge also
Dauid declareth in the sixty and eight psalme, saying, the Lord hath
geuen an argument, occasion or matter unto the women, who also haue
song accordingly: It was then a solomne (as a man would say) or
publicke thankes geuing, which they rendred, or gaue unto God, singing
or setting forth him to be the author of their deliuerance. What
fellowship, agreement, or likenes, can there bee, between the daunce
of these holy fathers, and these which wee behold nowe at this day
among christians. Is it a question when men daunce to acknowledge or
confesse the graces & goodnesses of God, to thanke him therfore,
reioicing themselues in him: When the lusty and fyne man should holde
a young damosel, or a woman by the hand, and keeping his measures he
shal remoue himselfe, whirle about, & shake his legges alofte (which
the daunsers call crosse capring) for pleasure, doth not she in the
meane while make a good threede, playing at the Moris on her behalfe:
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