The Rover Boys at College - Or, The Right Road and the Wrong by Edward Stratemeyer
page 4 of 263 (01%)
page 4 of 263 (01%)
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"I hope we get to Ashton on time," remarked Tom Rover. "I want to take
a look around the grounds before it gets dark." "That's Tom, wanting to see it all before he sleeps!" cried Sam Rover with a grin. "You look out, Tom, that you don't get into disgrace the first thing, as you did when we went to Putnam Hall Don't you remember that giant firecracker, and how Josiah Crabtree locked you up in a cell for setting it off?" "Ugh! Will I ever forget it!" groaned Tom, making a wry face. "But I got the best of old Crabtree, didn't I?" he continued, his face brightening. "Wonder if we'll make as many friends at college as we did at Putnam Hall," remarked Dick Rover. "Those were jolly times and no mistake! Think of the feasts, and the hazings, and the baseball and football, and the rackets with the Pornell students, and all that!" "Speaking of hazing, I heard that some of the hazing at the college we're bound for is fierce," came from Sam Rover. "Well, we'll have to stand for what comes, Sam," answered his big brother. "No crying quit' here." "Right you are, Dick," said Tom, "At the same time if--Great Caesar's ghost, what's up now!" As Tom uttered the last words a shrill whistle from the locomotive pierced the air. Then came the sudden gripping of the air brakes on the car wheels, and the express came to a stop with a shock that |