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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 25 of 80 (31%)
Then Tippy Toes laughed so hard that he doubled right up in a little
ball and rolled over and over.

"Come, come," said Grandpa Grumbles, "You had better go back to see
Bunny and Susan, they may think Bushy-Tail has eaten you up."

So they traveled back together to see Bunny and Susan. When they came
to the house there was soot on everything. There was soot on the carpet
and furniture and pictures. There was soot on the new lamp, and on
Susan's spectacles.

Grandpa Grumbles shouted,

"You are careless folks, I do declare,
To let the soot blow everywhere."

Bunny Cotton-Tail coughed, and Susan sneezed, and Grandpa Grumbles

"Into the kitchen, one, seven, three,
You are as careless as can be."

He made Bunny and Susan go into the kitchen; then he said to Tippy

"Come, get a broom and an apron or two,
We'll clean this room, that's what we'll do."

Soon Grandpa Grumbles and Tippy Toes had everything out of the room. It
did not take long to make it as clean as a pin.
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