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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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The Third Little Bear said, "Oh wait 'till to-morrow."

Now, will you believe it? The Seventeen Little Bears sat on their
seventeen little stools as though, nothing had happened!

Bunny and Susan got ready to go out in the rain. They took their
raincoats and caps and umbrellas. They went to Grandpa Grumbles' house.

The Seventeen Little Bears said in a sing-song way,

"We really are not quite polite,
We're selfish as can be,
We sit on stools around the fire,
Just singing merrily!"


When Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes rode home with Grandpa Grumbles in his
green cotton umbrella they sang a merry song,

"Oh, ho! It is fun to go riding along,
Singing and whistling a right merry song."

The umbrella came to the chimney of Grandpa Grumbles' house. It began
to close up a little.

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