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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 52 of 80 (65%)
Then the Seventeen Little Bears begged for Bunny Cotton-Tail's
thinking-cap. They put it on in turn and guessed and guessed what kind
of a shop Grandpa Grumbles would open.

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes said, "Will it be a candy-shop?"

Grandpa Grumbles shook his green cotton umbrella fiercely and
grumbled, "I told you, you could not guess. I am going to open a Toy

"A Toy Shop!" shouted the Seventeen Little Bears at the top of their
lungs. "A Toy Shop!"

"Who is telling this story?" asked Grandpa Grumbles. He began to tell
the story in real earnest. He said, "I am going to open a Toy Shop in
the woods."

"Not a real Toy Shop," said Snubby Nose. "You don't mean a real Toy
Shop," said Tippy Toes.

Grandpa Grumbles shook his green cotton umbrella and grumbled, "Now, I
shall have to start all over again."

So he began once more, "I am going to open a Toy Shop in the woods."

"Will you make a rocking-horse?" asked the First Little Bear.

"Will you make drums?" asked the Second Little Bear.

"Will you make horns? Toot, toot, toot!" said the Third Little Bear.
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