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The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 11. - Parlimentary Debates II. by Samuel Johnson
page 38 of 645 (05%)
with the utmost industry, heard of nothing but the proof of new cannon,
and new contracts for provision; and how much reason soever they had to
question the sincerity of the great man who had so long engrossed the
management of all affairs, they did not imagine that he was yet so
abandoned to levy forces only to exhaust their money, and equip fleets
only to expose them to ridicule.

When, therefore, sir, after the usual delays, the papers had informed
the people that the great fleet was sailed, they no longer doubted that
the Spaniards were to be reduced to our own terms; they expected to be
told, in a few days, of the destruction of fleets, the demolition of
castles, and the plunder of cities; and everyone envied the fortune of
those who, by being admitted into their formidable fleet, were entitled
to the treasures of such wealthy enemies.

When they had for some time indulged these expectations, an account was
brought, that the fleet was returned without the least action, or the
least attempt, and that new provisions were to be taken in, that they
might set out upon another _secret expedition_.

But, sir, this wonder-working term had now lost its efficacy, and it was
discovered, that _secret expeditions_, like all other _secret services_,
were only expedients to drain the money of the people, and to conceal
the ignorance or villany of the minister.

Such has been the conduct for which we are desired to return thanks in
an humble and dutiful address, such are the transactions which we are to
recommend to the approbation of our constituents, and such the triumphs
upon which we must congratulate our sovereign.

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