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The History of a Crime - The Testimony of an Eye-Witness by Victor Hugo
page 3 of 614 (00%)
IV. Bonaparte's Familiar Spirits
V. A Wavering Ally
VI. Denis Dussoubs
VII. Items and Interviews
VIII. The Situation
IX. The Porte Saint Martin
X. My Visit to the Barricades
XI. The Barricade of the Rue Meslay
XII. The Barricade of the Mairie of the Fifth Arrondissement
XIII. The Barricade of the Rue Thévenot
XIV. Ossian and Scipio
XV. The Question presents itself
XVI. The Massacre
XVII. The Appointment made with the Workmen's Societies
XVIII. The Verification of Moral Laws


I. What happened during the Night--the Rue Tiquetonne
II. What happened during the Night--the Market Quarter
III. What happened during the Night--the Petit Carreau
IV. What was done during the Night--the Passage du Saumon
V. Other Deeds of Darkness
VI. The Consultative Committee
VII. The Other List
VIII. David d'Angers
IX. Our Last Meeting
X. Duty can have two Aspects
XI. The Combat finished, the Ordeal begins
XII. The Exiled
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