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Scientific Essays and Lectures by Charles Kingsley
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Scientific Lectures and Essays

Contents: {0}
On Bio-Geology
The Study of Natural History
Thoughts in a Gravel-Pit
How to Study Natural History
The Natural Theology of the Future


I am not sure that the subject of my address is rightly chosen. I
am not sure that I ought not to have postponed a question of mere
natural history, to speak to you as scientific men, on the questions
of life and death, which have been forced upon us by the awful
warning of an illustrious personage's illness; of preventible
disease, its frightful prevalency; of the 200,000 persons who are
said to have died of fever alone since the Prince Consort's death,
ten years ago; of the remedies; of drainage; of sewage disinfection
and utilisation; and of the assistance which you, as a body of
scientific men, can give to any effort towards saving the lives and
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