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Pulpit and Press (6th Edition) by Mary Baker Eddy
page 40 of 90 (44%)
Novel Method of Enabling Six Thousand Believers to Attend the
Exercises--The Service Repeated Four Times--Sermon by Rev. Mary Baker
Eddy, Founder of the Denomination--Beautiful Room Which the Children

With simple ceremonies, four times repeated, in the presence of four
different congregations, aggregating nearly 6,000 persons, the unique
and costly edifice erected in Boston at Norway and Falmouth streets as a
home for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and a testimonial to the
discoverer and founder of Christian Science, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, was
yesterday dedicated to the worship of God.

The structure came forth from the hands of the artisans with every stone
paid for--with an appeal, not for more money, but for a cessation of the
tide of contributions which continued to flow in after the full amount
needed was received. From every state in the Union and from many lands,
the love offerings of the disciples of Christian Science came to help
erect this beautiful structure, and more than 4,000 of these
contributors came to Boston from the far-off Pacific coast and the Gulf
states and all the territory that lies between, to view the new-built
temple and to listen to the message sent them by the teacher they

From all New England the members of the denomination gathered; New York
sent its hundreds, and even from the distant states came parties of 40
and 50. The large auditorium, with its capacity for holding 1,400 or
1,500 persons, was hopelessly incapable of receiving this vast throng,
to say nothing of the nearly 1,000 local believers. Hence the service
was repeated until all who wished had heard and seen; and each of the
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