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Right Ho, Jeeves by P. G. (Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse
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"And when I described it to Pongo last night, he was fascinated."

"Indeed, sir?"

"So were all the rest of those present. One and all admitted that I had
got hold of a good thing. Not a dissentient voice."

"Indeed, sir?"

"I am convinced that you will eventually learn to love this mess-jacket,

"I fear not, sir."

I gave it up. It is never any use trying to reason with Jeeves on these
occasions. "Pig-headed" is the word that springs to the lips. One sighs
and passes on.

"Well, anyway, returning to the agenda, I can't go down to Brinkley Court
or anywhere else yet awhile. That's final. I'll tell you what, Jeeves.
Give me form and pencil, and I'll wire her that I'll be with her some
time next week or the week after. Dash it all, she ought to be able to
hold out without me for a few days. It only requires will power."

"Yes, sir."

"Right ho, then. I'll wire 'Expect me tomorrow fortnight' or words to
some such effect. That ought to meet the case. Then if you will toddle
round the corner and send it off, that will be that."
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