The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5 by Edmund Spenser
page 25 of 440 (05%)
page 25 of 440 (05%)
But now his wisedome is disprooved quite,
For he that now welds* all things at his will Scorns th'one and th'other in his deeper skill. [* _Welds_, wields] "O griefe of griefes! O gall of all good heartes! To see that vertue should dispised bee 450 Of him that first was raisde for vertuous parts, And now, broad spreading like an aged tree, Lets none shoot up that nigh him planted bee. O let the man of whom the Muse is scorned, Nor alive nor dead, be of the Muse adorned! 455 "O vile worlds trust! that with such vaine illusion Hath so wise men bewitcht and overkest*, That they see not the way of their confusion: O vainesse to be added to the rest That do my soule with inward griefe infest! 460 Let them behold the piteous fall of mee, And in my case their owne ensample see. [* _Overkest_, overcast.] "And who so els that sits in highest seate Of this worlds glorie, worshipped of all, Ne feareth change of time, nor fortunes threats, 465 Let him behold the horror of my fall, And his owne end unto remembrance call; That of like ruine he may warned bee, And in himselfe be moov'd to pittie mee." |