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An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African - Translated from a Latin Dissertation, Which Was Honoured with the First Prize in the University of Cambridge, for the Year 1785, with Additions by Thomas Clarkson
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of its merits as a literary composition, encourages me to offer it to
your Lordship's patronage. The cause of freedom has always been found
sufficient, in every age and country, to attract the notice of the
generous and humane; and it is therefore, in a more peculiar manner,
worthy of the attention and favour of a personage, who holds a
distinguished rank in that illustrious island, the very air of which has
been determined, upon a late investigation of its laws, to be an
antidote against slavery. I feel a satisfaction in the opportunity,
which the publication of this treatise affords me, of acknowledging your
Lordship's civilities, which can only be equalled by the respect, with
which I am,

Your Lordship's,
much obliged,
and obedient servant,


* * * * *

Books Printed and Sold by J. PHILLIPS,

AFRICAN SLAVES in the BRITISH Sugar Colonies.
By the Rev. J. RAMSAY, Vicar of Teston in
Kent, who resided many Years in the West-Indies.
In One Volume, Octavo. Price 5s bound,
or 4s in Boards.
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