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Jesus Says So by Unknown
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parents, and during their absence she watched kindly over her little

Her poor family tasted largely of the cup of sorrow, but poverty and
distress, instead of producing impatience and unkindness, seemed to bind
each one more closely to the other. They experienced the truth of those
words: "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and
hatred therewith," Prov. 15:17. "Better is a dry morsel, and quietness
therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife," Prov. 17:1.

The death of her youngest brother appeared to make a strong impression
on Sarah's mind; she said she liked to think she had a brother in
heaven. Soon after that event, she was admitted into a Sabbath school,
and it was her delight in the week to prepare her lessons. "Sunday is
such a happy day," she would say; and on that morning she would rise
earlier than usual to get ready for school.

A little circumstance, which occurred at this time, marked her
tenderness of conscience. A new bonnet had been promised to her, but not
arriving at the time she had hoped, her disappointment was so great that
she shed many tears. This was mentioned to a friend, who talked to her
about it. Sarah made no remark at the time, but afterwards she said to
her mother, "I did not know before that it was wrong to cry when we were
disappointed; I will try not to do so again:" and in the evening her
father overheard her begging God to forgive her pride and fretting about
the bonnet.

Another feature in Sarah's character may be here noticed: this was her
love of truth. "She has never deceived me," was her mother's frequent
remark. "I cannot remember a single instance of untruth, _even in
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