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It Can Be Done - Poems of Inspiration by Joseph Morris
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comments; these serve the same purpose as the strain played by the
pianist before the singer begins to sing; they create a mood, give a
point of view, throw light on the meaning of what follows. Also the
lives of the authors are briefly summarized; this is in answer to our
natural interest in the writer of a poem we like, and in the case of
living poets it brings together facts hardly to be found anywhere else.

Finally, the book is not one to be read and then cast aside. It is to be
kept as a constant companion and an unfailing recourse in weariness or
gloom. Human companions are not always in the mood to cheer us, and may
talk upon themes we dislike. But this book will converse or be silent,
it is never out of sorts or discouraged, and so far from being wed to
some single topic, it will speak to us at any time on any subject we

To many authors and publishers acknowledgment is due for generous
permission to use copyright material.


Abou Ben Adhem............................. _Leigh Hunt_
Answer, The................................ _Grantland Rice_
Appreciation............................... _William Judson Kibby_
Arrow and the Song, The.................... _Henry Wadsworth Longfellow_
Awareness.................................. _Miriam Teichner_

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