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Philippine Folklore Stories by John Maurice Miller
page 2 of 49 (04%)
Quicoy and the Ongloc
The Passing of Loku
The Light of the Fly
Mangita and Larina
How the World Was Made
The Silver Shower
The Faithlessness of Sinogo
Catalina of Dumaguete
The Fall of Polobolac
The Escape of Juanita
The Anting-Anting of Manuelito
When the Lilies Return

The Tobacco of Harisaboqued

A legend of the volcano of Canlaon on the island of Negros. It is
told generally in Western Negros and Eastern Cebu. The volcano is
still active, and smoke and steam rise from its crater.

Long before the strange men came over the water from Spain, there
lived in Negros, on the mountain of Canlaon, an old man who had great
power over all the things in the earth. He was called Harisaboqued,
King of the Mountain.

When he wished anything done he had but to tap the ground three times
and instantly a number of little men would spring from the earth
to answer his call. They would obey his slightest wish, but as he
was a kind old man and never told his dwarfs to do anything wrong,
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