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Happy Little Edward - And His Pleasant Ride and Rambles in the Country. by Unknown
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was the river all smooth and shining like gold, and beyond it were the
high mountains, looking like purple clouds, and opposite, the sun was
setting in all the rich splendor of a summer evening.

Soon the carriage drove up, and they all got in and continued their
journey. Edward saw nothing that pleased him so much as that river, and
often wished that he could sail over it again in the little boat. But
soon they drew near home, and then he began to think of the joyful
meeting he should have with his brothers and aunt Mary.

The first thing they saw as they came near the house, was Edward's dog,
Romeo, who came running up to the carriage, barking, wagging his tail,
and looking as much pleased as Edward was.

I need not tell you how happy the children were, nor what they said the
night Edward got home; nor how delighted he was in telling of all the
sights he had seen. But I think he learned enough during this pleasant
journey, to make him a somewhat wiser, if not a happier little boy.

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