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Homeward Bound - Sailor's Knots, Part 2. by W. W. Jacobs
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By W.W. Jacobs



Mr. Hatchard's conversation for nearly a week had been confined to fault-
finding and grunts, a system of treatment designed to wean Mrs. Hatchard
from her besetting sin of extravagance. On other occasions the treatment
had, for short periods, proved successful, but it was quite evident that
his wife's constitution was becoming inured to this physic and required a
change of treatment. The evidence stared at him from the mantelpiece in
the shape of a pair of huge pink vases, which had certainly not been
there when he left in the morning. He looked at them and breathed

"Pretty, ain't they?" said his wife, nodding at them.

"Who gave 'em to you?" inquired Mr. Hatchard, sternly.

His wife shook her head. "You don't get vases like that given to you,"
she said, slowly. "Leastways, I don't."

"Do you mean to say you bought 'em?" demanded her husband.
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