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The Toll-House - Sailor's Knots, Part 7. by W. W. Jacobs
page 6 of 17 (35%)
them up before I've done with them. It's scandalous keeping us out here
in the dark."

He plied the knocker again, and the noise volleyed in the emptiness
beyond. Then with a sudden exclamation he put out his hands and stumbled

"Why, it was open all the time," he said, with an odd catch in his voice.
"Come on."

"I don't believe it was open," said Lester, hanging back. "Somebody is
playing us a trick."

"Nonsense," said Meagle sharply. "Give me a candle. Thanks. Who's got
a match?"

Barnes produced a box and struck one, and Meagle, shielding the candle
with his hand, led the way forward to the foot of the stairs. "Shut the
door, somebody," he said, "there's too much draught."

"It is shut," said White, glancing behind him.

Meagle fingered his chin. "Who shut it?" he inquired, looking from one
to the other. "Who came in last?"

"I did," said Lester, "but I don't remember shutting it--perhaps I did,

Meagle, about to speak, thought better of it, and, still carefully
guarding the flame, began to explore the house, with the others close
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