A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 02 - Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the - Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, - by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Ti by Robert Kerr
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not being able to endure the hardships of the siege, he was delivered
from that danger, and escaped through the midst of the hostile camp, chiefly through the aid of Robert; who, going before him, made a lane with his sword, slaying numbers of the Turks in his heroic progress. Towards the close of this chivalric enterprize, and becoming more fierce and eager as he advanced, Robert unfortunately dropt his sword; and while stooping to recover his weapon, he was oppressed by the multitude, who threw themselves upon him, and made him prisoner. From thence, as some say, Robert was carried to Babylon in Egypt, or Cairo; and refusing to renounce his faith in CHRIST, he was tied to a stake in the market-place, and transpierced with arrows. Edgar, having thus lost his valiant knight, returned towards Europe, and was much honoured with many gifts by the emperors both of Greece and Germany, both of whom would gladly have retained him at their courts, on account of his high lineage; but he despised all things, from regard to his native England, into which he returned: And, having been subjected to many changes of fortune, as we have elsewhere related, he _now_ spends his extreme old age in private obscurity. [1] Hakluyt. I. 44. W. Malmsb. III. 58. SECTION III. _Some Circumstances respecting the Siege of Joppa, about the year_ 1102[1]. In the second year of Baldwin, king of Jerusalem, Joppa was besieged by |