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The Constitutional History of England from 1760 to 1860 by Charles Duke Yonge
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Commissions of the Judges.--Restoration of Peace.--Lord Bute becomes
Minister.--The Case of Wilkes.--Mr. Luttrell is Seated for Middlesex by
the House of Commons.--Growth of Parliamentary Reporting.--Mr.
Grenville's Act for trying Election Petitions.--Disfranchisement of
Corrupt Voters at New Shoreham.


The Regency Bill.--The Ministry of 1766 lay an Embargo on Corn.--An Act
of Indemnity is Passed.--The _Nullum Tempus_ Act concerning Crown
Property; it is sought to Extend it to Church Property, but the Attempt
fails.--The Royal Marriage Act.--The Lords amend a Bill imposing Export
Duties, etc., on Corn.


Mr. Grenville imposes a Duty on Stamps in the North American
Colonies.--Examination of Dr. Franklin.--Lord Rockingham's Ministry
Repeals the Duty.--Lord Mansfield affirms a Virtual Representation in
the Colonies.--Mr. C. Townsend imposes Import Duties in America.--After
some Years, the Civil War breaks out.--Hanoverian Troops are sent to
Gibraltar.--The Employment of Hanoverian Regiments at Gibraltar and
Minorca.--End of the War.--Colonial Policy of the Present
Reign.--Complaints of the Undue Influence of the Crown.--Motions for
Parliamentary Reform.--Mr. Burke's Bill for Economical Reform.--Mr.
Dunning's Resolution on the Influence of the Crown.--Rights of the Lords
on Money-bills.--The Gordon Riots.

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