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The Young Trail Hunters - Or, the Wild Riders of the Plains. The Veritable Adventures of Hal Hyde and Ned Brown, on Their Journey Across the Great Plains of the South-West by Samuel Woodworth Cozzens
page 19 of 204 (09%)
they would be round here. That's a nice sort of a guard, ain't it?" said
Jerry, pointing to Hal, who was slumbering soundly near the fire. "That's
just what he was doin' when I got up; and on his watch too. We can git
along without any such help as thet. Air your shootin'-irons reddy?"

Before I had time to reply to his question, the sharp, shrill war-whoop of
the Comanches fell upon our ears, ringing out on the still night air with
a yell fiendish enough to paralyze the stoutest heart. For a single
instant it lasted, and then the most unearthly din that can possibly be
imagined filled the air; while the neighing of horses, the braying of
mules, beating of drums, and discordant jangle of bells, accompanied by
an occasional discharge of firearms, rendered the scene as near
pandemonium as it is possible to conceive.

We saw a dozen or more dusky forms coming towards us, and Jerry and
myself raised our rifles and fired.

Hal, Ned, and the teamsters were by this time awake; the latter being
obliged to give their whole attention to the animals, which were making
frantic exertions to escape.

The boys rushed in the most frightened manner from one place to another,
--not knowing what to do or where to go,--only adding to the terrible
confusion; until, by Jerry's direction, they ensconced themselves under
one of the wagons, with orders not to leave it without express


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