The Village in the Mountains; Conversion of Peter Bayssiere; and History of a Bible by Anonymous
page 17 of 77 (22%)
page 17 of 77 (22%)
Though ignorant of the contents of the volume which God had thus given
them, they expressed many thanks to M. ---- for his generosity, and were about to proceed on their way, apparently rejoicing, when M. ---- dismissed them by saying: "My friends, I feel peculiarly happy in thus being the instrument of putting into your hands that volume which contains the records of eternal life, and which points you to 'the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.' If you faithfully read it, and imbibe its glorious and precious truths, and obey its precepts, it will render you happy in this life, and happy during the endless ages of eternity." Having opened the case, M. ---- found that forty-nine Bibles and Testaments had been thus distributed. Some of his fellow-passengers were ready to believe that the box had been intentionally left open, but M. ---- assured them that it had been carefully secured in the usual manner, and that not until his arrival at the spot where they alighted, had he known that any had fallen out. Having made arrangements to have the case forwarded to the widow, and having addressed to her a note informing her of his intention to proceed to the large village of S----, where he proposed tarrying a few days, during which time he hoped once more to visit her and her friends, M. ---- resumed his seat in the Diligence, and arrived at S---- the same night. On the next day but one after his arrival, he was agreeably surprised, at an early hour in the morning, to find the hotel where he lodged surrounded by fifty or sixty persons, inquiring for the gentleman who had, a day or two before, presented to a number of their citizens THE BOOK, which, as they said, "contained a true history of the birth, life, sufferings, death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." Others of them called it by its proper name, the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All |