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The Maids Tragedy by Francis Beaumont;John Fletcher
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_Strat_. As well as Mask can be.

_Lys_. As Mask can be?

_Strat_. Yes, they must commend their King, and speak
in praise of the Assembly, bless the Bride and
Bridegroom, in person of some God; th'are tyed
to rules of flattery.

_Cle_. See, good my Lord, who is return'd!

_Lys_. Noble _Melantius_!

[_Enter Melantius_.

The Land by me welcomes thy vertues home to _Rhodes_,
thou that with blood abroad buyest us our peace; the
breath of King is like the breath of Gods; My brother
wisht thee here, and thou art here; he will be too kind,
and weary thee with often welcomes; but the time doth
give thee a welcome above this or all the worlds.

_Mel_. My Lord, my thanks; but these scratcht limbs of mine have
spoke my love and truth unto my friends, more than my
tongue ere could: my mind's the same it ever was to you;
where I find worth, I love the keeper, till he let it go,
And then I follow it.

_Diph_. Hail worthy brother!
He that rejoyces not at your return
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